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Blood Drive at Adams Poughkeepsie!
August 30, 2012

Blood Drive at Adams Poughkeepsie!

On August 22, 2012 Adams Poughkeepsie welcomed the New York Blood Center Blood Drive Busmobile! This year we surpassed our goal and donated 44 pints o...
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DIY Pollinator Projects
May 31, 2023

DIY Pollinator Projects

June is pollinator month! What’s the buzZzZ about pollinators? Without them, humans, and all of Earth’s land ecosystems, could not survive. Our po...
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Fair Food Collage
August 12, 2022

Air Fryer Fair Food Favorites

Everyone has a favorite fair food. And odds are, it’s deep fried. Cut the grease, and the guilt, and try these air fried versions of your favori...
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Rex Begonias
June 3, 2022

Rex Begonia Care

Among the various types of begonias, Begonia rex is one of the most beautiful and dramatic plants. Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-le...
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