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Vegetables in garden
July 5, 2022

Intro to Organic Gardening

What does it mean to have an organic garden? Does organic gardening mean you have to put up with insects eating your plants or unattractive flower bed...
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Cleome-Spider Flower
May 19, 2022

Cleome AKA Spider Flowers

Cleomes aren’t the most popular annuals sold at nurseries, and it might be because they look rather weedy as young seedlings. Unlike pert marig...
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Houseplant Winter Care
December 11, 2022

Houseplant Winter Care

Your houseplants aren’t immune to life-threatening challenges during the winter, even though they live in a temperature-controlled climate. Indo...
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Landscape Fabric Use
June 10, 2022

Using Landscape Fabric

Whether you’re new to gardening or have been at it so long your thumb is a deep shade of green, you may have seen rolls of landscape fabric at DIY s...
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Norfolk Island Pines
June 6, 2022

Growing Norfolk Island Pine

Norfolk Island pine is not an actual pine tree, but rather a relative of the monkey puzzle tree, and often cultivated as a landscape tree in subtropic...
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June 6, 2022

Growing Thyme Indoors

Fresh available herbs are a delight for the home cook. What could be better than having the scents and flavors near at hand in the kitchen? Thyme is a...
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Vegetable Harvest
July 19, 2022

Storing Vegetables

There are vegetables you should NEVER store in the refrigerator as well as vegetables you should ALWAYS store in the fridge for the best taste and t...
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