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Gaura Flowers
May 31, 2022

Growing Gaura

Gaura is a low-maintenance perennial that may give coneflower a run for its money in the cultivated wildflower popularity contest. In fact, the or...
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Miniature Rose Bushes
June 3, 2022

Caring for Miniature Roses

Miniature roses are true roses that have been selectively bred to stay small in size. Most miniature roses have smaller flowers than standard rose bus...
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Red Cedar Mulch with Yellow Tulips
June 3, 2022

The Pros and Cons of Cedar Mulch

Cedar mulch is made from clippings and shavings of the bark of cedar trees. It is a byproduct of the wood industry, as these trees are sought after fo...
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Spider Plant
June 3, 2022

Spider Plant Care

Despite their creepy-crawly name, spider plants are among the most popular houseplants to grow. When grown indoors, these warm-weather perennials wil...
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