Growing Fruit Trees in the Hudson Valley
A fruit tree can be an indispensable addition to the garden. Producing beautiful, sometimes fragrant, flowers and tasty fruit year after year, a fruit tree might wind up being the best planting decision you ever make. Finding the right tree for your climate can be a little tricky, however. Keep reading to learn more about what fruit trees grow in zone 6, which includes the Hudson Valley.
Perhaps the most popular garden fruit tree, apples come in a wide range of varieties that perform well in different climates. Some of the best matches for zone 6 are:
- Honeycrisp
- Gala
- Red Halareds
- McIntosh
The best European pears for zone 6 are:
- Bosc
- Bartlett
- Conference
- Rescue
Not the same as European pears, Asian pear fruit trees have a few varieties that do well in zone 6. Some of the best are:
- Kosui
- Atago
- Shinseiki
- Yoinashi
- Seuri
Plums are a great choice for zone 6 gardens. Good European varieties for zone 6 include:
- Damson
- Stanley
Good Japanese varieties are:
- Santa Rosa
- Premier
Most varieties of cherry trees will perform well in zone 6. Sweet cherries, which are best for eating fresh from the tree, include:
- Benton
- Stella
- Sweetheart
- Richmond
You can also reliably grow many sour cherries for pie making, such as:
- Montgomery
- North Star
- Danube
Some peach trees perform well in zone 6, especially:
- Candor
- Elberta
- Halehaven
- Madison
- Redhaven
- Reliance
Apricot trees varieties that handle zone 6 conditions well include:
- Chinese Sweet Pit
- Moongold
- Sungold
Information courtesy of GardeningKnowHow.com