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Jasmine Plant on Windowsill
June 10, 2022

Jasmine as a Houseplant

If winter blooms and sweet, nighttime fragrance appeal to your senses, consider growing jasmine indoors. Not all jasmine flowers are fragrant, but Jasminum polyanthum, the variety commonly used when growing jasmine indoors, has a sweet aroma that is particularly fragrant at night. Care Indoor jasmine plants actually benefit from spending time outdoors. In summer, locate […]
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Tradescantia on table
June 10, 2022

Tradescantia, an Easy Care Houseplant

If you are looking for a lush, vining houseplant with vibrantly variegated leaves then look no further because the Tradescantia is for you. This trailing beauty looks amazing when hung in a basket, dangling in a macramé hanger, or placed on a high perch. The Inch Plant is known as an easy care houseplant. It […]
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Early Fall Mums
June 10, 2022

Propagating and Repotting Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum plants are a symbol of fall, with their domes of vibrant, jewel-tone colors. To tempt gardeners to purchase these late-season bloomers, they are often sold in full bloom. To keep these plants longer, consider propagating them and keeping them indoors over the winter. Propagating Chrysanthemums You can propagate mums several ways: division, seeds and […]
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Pink Cyclamen
June 10, 2022

Cyclamen Info & Care

Cyclamen is a petite flowering plant that has sweet-scented, small blooms on long stems that stretch up above the foliage. It is a tuberous perennial, meaning it dies down to its thick roots (tubers) during its summer dormancy period and then regrows quickly each fall. Its flowers come in shades of pink, purple, red and […]
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Polka Dot Plant
June 9, 2022

Caring for Polka Dot Plants

The polka dot plant is an eye-catching little plant with brightly variegated leaves that stand out against most other foliage. The most common polka dot plants feature leaves with a pink base color and green spots. But there are several spotted or mottled varieties with purple, white, red and deeper colors and brighter contrast, so […]
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Paperwhites - new
June 7, 2022

Getting Paperwhites to Bloom Indoors

Paperwhites (Narcissus papyraceus) are popular indoor plants for winter with their clusters of fragrant, white blooms. Unlike other narcissus, paperwhites don’t require a chilling period, so forcing them to bloom indoors is as easy as putting the bulbs in water and waiting. While paperwhite bulbs can be planted in soil, more commonly they are grown in containers […]
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Hyacinth bulb plants-new
June 7, 2022

How to Force a Hyacinth Bulb

All plants that flower do so at a particular time according to their kind. However, it is possible to make a plant flower at a time other than its naturally occurring time when the proper, artificial conditions are created. This process is known as forcing and is often used by commercial flower growers. Certain cultivars […]
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Amaryllis pots-large
June 6, 2022

Growing Amaryllis

The giant amaryllis flowers commonly grown as winter-blooming houseplants are generally carefully bred hybrids derived from various species in the Hippeastrum genus, a group of tropical plants from Central and South America. These plants have strappy leaves and huge flowers shaped like trumpet lilies. The blooms are typically are a deep red, pink, white, or blend […]
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Red Christmas Cactus in window
June 6, 2022

Caring for Christmas Cactus

A beautiful holiday plant, the Christmas cactus unsurprisingly blooms at Christmas and sometimes around Easter if cared for properly. A month prior to Christmas you’ll be able to watch the tips of the leaves beginning to grow. The tips grow darker as each day passes until a bud forms. At Christmas time, as if by […]
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