The word ‘organic’ is used a lot lately, especially on dairy products. But what exactly makes dairy products organic, what does it mean for you and the planet? Stonyfield Organic has the answers to your organic questions.
So, what is organic?
Let’s start with the farmers. Because farms are the hub, home and heart of organic food.
Organic farmers take a systems-based approach to farming. Meaning that instead of fighting nature with toxic persistent pesticides and artificial hormones, they work with nature to allow the soil, crops, pasture and products to flourish and reach their full potential, organically. Organic farmers focus on building healthy soil, and utilize crop rotation, cover crops and natural sources of fertility like compost or manure to enrich the land they farm on. This approach to farming increases biodiversity and future farm health, while also decreasing our environmental impact.
Organic crops are 4X less likely to test positive for pesticide residues.
Organic cows are healthy cows and happy cows. With 120+ days per year in pasture, ready access to clean, temperate shade and shelter, all under the care of organic farmers who often know them by name, organic cows are prized and cared for. Pasture grazing not only improves the quality of their milk, but they also enjoy healthier body weight, hoof and joint health. Organic cows fertilize their own fields, churn up and aerate pasture with those healthy hooves and enjoy a major role in the systems-based approach to farming. In organic dairy, healthy, happy cows are the star player.
Why eat organic?
Isn’t it the best when something you love turns out to be good for you and good for the planet?
When we started making yogurt back in 1983, today’s definition of organic didn’t even exist yet. We didn’t know a lot, but we were confident in two things: First, yogurt is delicious. Second, that to make it healthy and high quality, we had to be stewards of more than just milk. We needed to take care of people and the planet, too.
Not much has changed in our flavor expectations, but we’ve learned a ton about why choosing organic is so important. It’s about more than just flavor.
Science says that organic milk is more nutritious than its conventional counterpart. Why? Because it comes from cows that are actively grazing on grass, as nature intended. Organically raised cows spend their days outside on pasture so the milk they produce is significantly higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), heart-healthy fats that can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
It’s never too early to eat organic
Parents everywhere are in on the science too, and doing their best to feed their kiddos organic food. Why? Take that healthy CLA that’s so abundant in organic milk, for example — CLA levels have been shown to be higher in the breast milk of women who consumed organic dairy. Research has also demonstrated that an organic diet can dramatically reduce pesticide levels in kids’ bodies.
Organic for people and for planet
Eating organic isn’t just good for you and your family, it’s straight up good for other people and the planet. One of the main goals of organic farming practices is to avoid contamination of our precious soil, rivers, drinking water and air with toxic persistent chemicals. Which also means organic farmers themselves and their neighbors aren’t exposed to potentially carcinogenic herbicides. Organic agriculture not only means less dependence on fossil fuels, it can actually help reduce climate change. It’s estimated that converting all of America’s cropland to organic would have the same carbon-reducing effect as taking 217 million cars off the road.