Pink Jasmine

Caring for Pink Jasmine

June 3, 2022
Adams Fairacre Farms

Also known as winter jasmine or French perfume, pink jasmine is a sprawling semi-evergreen plant grown for its clusters of extraordinarily fragrant blooms, which appear from pretty pink buds. The flowers are white and shaped like stars. Considered hardy in zones 8 through 11, pink jasmine grows quickly, requiring moderate maintenance and care to look healthy and tidy. Pink jasmine can produce black fruit, but does so very rarely.

Native to western China, pink jasmine is capable of growing in full sun or light shade. In frost-free climates, it will retain its lush green leaves year-round. Though tolerant of temperatures as low as 20 F, it may drop some leaves in USDA zone 8.

Plant pink jasmine in front of south- or west-facing wall where borderline hardy to give the vine additional warmth. According to the Monrovia Nursery Company, pink jasmine works just as well when trained on a tree or trellis as a climbing vine as when grown as groundcover. It can grow to lengths of up to 20 feet.

Optimum Growing Conditions
Pink jasmine is not a diva when it comes to soil. It will grow happily in average, moderately fertile garden soil that is well-draining. It can even thrive in poor soils, according to the Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences, as long as the draining is good. Be sure to space jasmines at least 8 feet apart, says the Clemson Cooperative Extension. Crowded jasmine vines in areas with poor air circulation are more prone to fungal diseases, especially if it is watered from overhead.

To encourage flowering, fertilize with 1 to 2 pounds of a 10-6-4 or 10-10-10 fertilizer in spring. Read the label on the fertilizer you buy because instructions vary.

Pink jasmine will look its best if kept well-watered throughout the growing season. Regular watering is especially crucial during the plant’s first growing season, as this allows the vine to form a deep, healthy root system. Dead flowers remain on the vine, which can look unattractive, though this is not unhealthy for the plant.

Pruning in the fall, after the vine has finished flowering, will help keep the plant looking tidy. Pink jasmine may be propagated from seeds or suckers. Although it is rare for pink jasmine to produce weeds, you should be aware that this plant tends to become weedy in tropical climates, to the point of being considered invasive.

Indoor Care
The incredible fragrance of the pink jasmine need not be enjoyed only during the spring months. You can grow pink jasmine in pots indoors in winter in a 4-6 inch pot with a wire trellis. Place it in a bright, sunny windowsill and water daily for best results.

Indoor plants require nighttime temperatures below 60 Fahrenheit in the fall to form buds. Mix 1 teaspoon of a phosphorous-rich fertilizer, such as a 15-30-15, in 1 gallon of water and apply once a month. Always read the label as application rates and instructions vary by brand. You’ll want to move indoor plants outside in summer to a sheltered spot.

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