As we enter March, it’s almost time to rekindle our relationship with the sun. Now that the snow is melting, we can finally leave the house without first bundling in multiple layers and muttering words of encouragement to ourselves. So what better way to celebrate this newfound freedom gifted by nature than giving back to it with some gardening, and maybe a little grocery shopping.
In this Newsletter:
- Plant Survey: A rundown of the best new plants in development.
- Don’t dig it: Dispelling common misconceptions about gardening.
- Pro-antibiotics?: The truth on antibiotics in chicken.
- Adams In Wonderland: The annual spring flower show returns!

New Plant Variety Online Survey
We at Adams believe there are few greater green flags than having a growth mindset. As a result, our greenhouse is an ever-evolving oasis of vegetation. Every year we drop a survey online that shares a few of the newest and most exciting plant varieties being developed. 2024’s iteration features the visual warmth of Achillea Milly Rock Terra Cotta’s glowing orange flowers and the striking multi-toned Coleus Downtown NYC Nights, among many more. Let us know your thoughts on the new foliage options, the survey will be open until March 18th.

5 Misconceptions of Gardening
With Spring around the corner, now’s the perfect time to break that green thumb out of hibernation. But no matter how proficient or inexperienced around a garden, we’re all susceptible to the occasional wise tale. Whether you’re building out your garden or introducing a few new houseplants to the décor, it’s crucial to avoid these common misconceptions of plant care.
#1: It’s better to underwater than overwater
“The main problem that people run into is that they’re afraid to water their plants,” says Maureen Drury, Nursery and Houseplant Manager at Adams. Due to fear of root rot or making plants mushy, underwatering plants has become a real trend. In reality, Drury explains that this condition is incredibly difficult to achieve. She adds, “I always tell people that I’d rather them kill a plant by trying and giving it some water than not at all.” Think of it this way, if you don’t give a plant water, it’s definitely going to die.
#2: Beware of all bugs
No one wants to see little critters lurking around anything they care about. As someone who has been roommates with cockroaches on multiple occasions, I get certainly it. But when it comes to plants, not all bugs are cause for concern. According to Randy Padgett, Nursery Manager at Adams, “You have beneficial insects and you have the insects that do damage.” He explains that insects like ladybugs and praying mantises help protect plants against aphids, the tiny pests that can cause actual harm by sucking the juices from leaves and stems.
#3: Miscolored leaves mean the plant is dying
It’s every gardener’s nightmare when the dreaded yellow leaf appears. Cue the suspenseful music. However, this sight should not feel anywhere near that dramatic or finite. Both Drury and Padgett agree that miscolored leaves don’t necessarily indicate that your plant’s on its deathbed. It could mean you’re overwatering it or underwatering it, sure. But it could also be that the plant merely lacks enough iron, which is fixed easily by spraying fertilizer. Not to mention, some plants just have a natural goldish hue to them. Most likely, though, is simply that one leaf is dying—an occurrence possibly reflecting the plant’s own self-preservation. As Drury puts it, “Plants have a great way of surviving, they’ve managed for forever without us.”
#4: Plants prefer late-night snacking
There’s a misconception that you should be watering plants at night so that the moisture is slowly absorbed. Padgett explains that, unlike myself, plants are really more of morning people. “If you water in the morning, the sun will evaporate all the moisture off the leaves and everything. But if done at night, you run the risk of bringing in things like fungi and mold because that moisture just sits on the leaves all night long,” he says.
#5: Watering from the tap will kill your plants
People tend to have similar thoughts when taking care of plants as they do when swimming in public pools—constantly worrying about what else could be in the water. But, in general, tap water is perfectly fine for plants and there is no reason to use filtered alternatives. That’s not to say all tap water is without its issues but these concerns are far more pressing in other areas. “If the water’s good for you, it’s fine for your plants,” Drury confirms.

The Antibiotics in Chicken Are Alright
Over the past year or so, there has been a lot of confusion on the subject of antibiotics in chicken. Industry goliath Tyson proudly slapped “no antibiotics ever” labels on their products eight years ago only to remove them last summer after facing backlash regarding the statement’s legitimacy. The truth is, antibiotics are extremely prevalent during the process that leads store-bought chicken to your table—and that’s okay! Bob DeWitt, Meat Manager at Adams in Poughkeepsie, explains that antibiotics are used for several reasons including treating and preventing disease. While that might not silence the mental alarm bells, he notes the use of antibiotics in this way is perfectly normal.
Not to mention, this entire process is approved by the USDA and has been for fifty-plus years. “By law, if a chicken is treated with antibiotics, it has to go through a withdrawal period to guarantee that there are no residual antibiotics in the meat,” DeWitt explains. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a common anxiety when it comes to this residue, however, DeWitt confirms that should not be a concern after it passes the withdrawal process. If it’s cruelty to the animals themselves you’re worried about, unfortunately, avoiding the use of antibiotics won’t prevent it. In fact, DeWitt adds that refusing to give a sick chicken antibiotics is itself an inhumane act.

Adams Annual Spring Flower Show is Back
You’re late, you’re late for a very important date! One of our great traditions, the yearly Adams Spring Flower Show returned to stores this week. It’s an annual garden showcase and a beautiful celebration of surviving yet another northeast winter. Among the many reasons to visit the floral display, this year will feature the universal theme of Adams In Wonderland. CEO Pat Adams has watched the show evolve over decades and promises this year will be one for the books. “If you want to get a breath of beauty and fresh air here in the doldrums of winter, this should amaze you and hopefully inspire you to want to get out and garden when the weather allows it.” From February 23rd to March 3rd, shows will be in the Poughkeepsie and Newburgh Adams stores. Then from March 1st to March 10th, you can catch the display at Kingston and Middletown locations.