Stella d’Oro Daylily
June 26, 2024
Finding a plant that changes the game in gardening is rare, but ‘Stella d’Oro’ is one of those gems that has transformed our view of daylilies. With its lightly fragrant, bright yellow, star-shaped flowers blooming from May to July and its compact, carefree nature, it’s no wonder this daylily is the most popular one around. ‘Stella d’Oro’ thrives in poor soil and tough landscape spots where other plants struggle, showing off its attractive foliage and a constant display of flower stalks. Whether you plant it in a sunny or shady spot, or even in a container, it performs beautifully every time!
Hardiness Zone
Zones 3-8
Water Needs
Sun Needs
Full sun, Partial sun
Soil Needs
Moist, well-drained
Appearance and Characteristics
Flower Color
Yellow shades
Foliage Color
Green shades
Blooming Time
May to July
12-18 Inches
12 Inches
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Tolerates dry soil
Compact form
Read Sue Adams’ Tips for Perennials