Ralph builds a farmstand on the front of the property and puts up a wooden sign: Adams’ Market. Later this would be changed to Fairacre Farm. (He did not want to include the family name on the sign since it seemed boastful). They also give customers the option to pick their own raspberries and strawberries right from the fields. By now they had purchased additional farmland in Salt Point that included apple and peach orchards. This marks the first use of (the plural) Fairacre Farms.
There is also a greenhouse on site, from Poughkeepsie violet grower Mr. Bahret, where plants are given a head start for spring planting. Eventually this also puts him in the plant business; Locals, especially people working at IBM, become interested in buying plants from him.
Source: Original store 1940 article Poughkeepsie New Yorker
Greenhouse and orchards referenced: Diversified Crops On Ralph Adams’ Farm, Aug 11 1940 Sunday Courier