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Planting Trees & Shrubs
August 8, 2022

Planting Trees & Shrubs in Summer

Why plant in summer? Because plants are no longer using tremendous amounts of energy to flower or grow stems and leaves, they can now devote energy to...
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Pilea Plant
August 18, 2022

Pilea Profile

Pilea is a genus consisting of more than 600 species of frost-tender, tropical foliage plants—including both upright bushy types and trailing varie...
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Hibiscus Berry Awesome
June 23, 2022

Growing Hibiscus

If you’re looking for a plant with an impressive, exotic, trumpet-like flower in a wide range of colors and sizes, you can’t go wrong with...
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Purple Fountain Grass
August 16, 2022

Caring for Fountain Grass

Fountain grass (Pennisetum) is a mound-forming ornamental grass and a garden favorite, as the care of fountain grass is easy. The cascading leaves on ...
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